Siblings Spilling Tea
We’re Cass and Bobby, a sister and brother duo from Las Vegas! Our episodes flow through many topics and we have short skits we call Espresso Shots. Join us for banter, tangents, satire, crazy characters, and so much more, your wig will fly off into space and become Mars' first citizen. We'd love to make you laugh, so let's all laugh together!
Siblings Spilling Tea
E.T. Bone Home (ES 10)
Not every alien sighting is the same. Sometimes only one person has their phone out recording a bad video. Sometimes a whole mess of space goo gets tossed about like nothing. Regardless, you must be careful when extraterrestrials crash land in your backyard. You don't know if they want to befriend you, kill you, or something else.*
*They will clap those cheeks.
Sound from Zapsplat.com
*They will clap those cheeks.
Sound from Zapsplat.com
You can find our links here: https://linktr.ee/siblingsspillingtea